What is Crown Chakra?

The Crown Chakra is associated with one's inspiration, survival mission, great wisdom, and leadership. It corresponds to enlightenment and spirituality. It is an energy center that connects the higher self to the higher dimensions. The Crown Chakra is positioned behind the skull. The Crown Chakra is the core of spirituality, enlightenment, insight and energy. It allows wisdom to flow in, bringing the gift of universal consciousness.

The color of the Crown Chakra is purple and contains all the qualities of the other chakras when fully activated. When the Crown Chakra is activated, it leads to a more positive outlook on life, with emotions such as gratitude, compassion, and acceptance becoming our true selves.

The Crown Chakra matches note B.

What will happen if your Crown Chakra is blocked?

When the Crown Chakra is blocked or inactive, you may feel disillusioned, bored, depressed and restless, indecisive, lacking joy in life, routine and boredom.

And when your Crown Chakra is too active, there will be a variety of brain disease, nervous system disease, mental illness and so on.


The Sound of Note B Crystal Singing Bowl

Save this video when you can't sleep very well or just enjoy the healing journey with us.

The sound is powerful and help you reduce stress from work and daily life. Calm down and get positive energy to meet your new day.